“Run as fast as you can from all the ambitions and lusts of youth; and chase after all that is pure. Whatever builds up your faith and deepens your love must become your holy pursuit. And live in peace with all those who worship our Lord Jesus with pure hearts.” 2 Tim 2:22 TPT
Never is it heard or seen as the norm for a soldier in active duty to be caught frolicking about or given to fleshly desires. If he is caught at it, he can be likened to one who willfully handed over his armor and made himself available for attacks by the enemy. These desires require discipline for them to be curbed hence a soldier must learn to place the consciousness of the intensity of assignment as the deciding factor for all his actions.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the times we are in is messy with sin rapidly becoming the norm yet, a soldier must as a matter of necessity be of a good report. Scriptures in 2 Timothy 2:22 describes the character of a temperate soldier; he isn’t given to youthful lust rather he lives and does righteousness. For him, righteousness is both a nature and an act. He is full of faith, embodies love, abides peacefully and calls upon God with a pure heart together with all those who are of like passion.
The popular idiom “birds of a feather…” applies here. You cannot be temperate independently, you need the company of saints. Dearest Soldiers, sin and its shortcomings thrive in seclusion. However, where there are individuals set on the same course as you they buffer on the journey. A soldier can never win a battle by himself, it takes a squad to do so. So, dear soldier, as you flee from youthful indulgence, pursuing only that which builds your faith, DO NOT WALK ALONE.
In this quarter we have a call to be temperate, to allow moderation, modesty, self denying and being deliberate to be our watchword so we must do and become that together, admonishing one another with God’s pure word that builds up and deepens your love for Christ.