SAVE GENERATION NEXT (God’s Heritage Psalms 127:3-4)

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than how it treats its children.”  — Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa

The future of every society is secured by its investment in children. This is the bedrock upon which FECA Nigeria organizes its annual week-long program tagged “Save Generation Next (SGN)” intended for reaching out to children between the ages of 4 – 12 in the different states in Nigeria with the message of God and to imbibe values in them to raise a society of value-driven, morally upright and resourceful individuals.

The 2021 edition of SGN is themed “God’s Heritage”. Heritage, defined as a special or individual possession; an allotted portion is usually transferred from the owner to his heir. Likewise, children are gifts from God his legacy he bequeaths to all and as a result, must be treated with utmost importance.

A feature of heritage is that it’s revered and must be preserved. It is treated with honor, guided, and guarded for it to be passed down for generations to come. It would be totally abnormal for children to be disregarded and treated casually, it outrightly dishonors God and His best gifts. Our call is to preserve His heritage, so we go out to spread His message to His dearly beloved little ones.

Beloved, we have a mandate upon us, a call to Save the Generation of the Next Saviour’s of society – God’s Heritage. Get up! Go out! Preserve His Heritage.